Security and Safety
Volume 2, 2023
Security and Safety in the "Metaverse"
Article Number E2023014
Number of page(s) 3
Published online 30 June 2023
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  3. Song YJ, Dai HS, Jiang JH and Zhang WH, Multikernel: operating system solution to generalized functional safety. Secur Saf 2023; 2: 2023007. [Google Scholar]
  4. Wang XT, Li RX, Du SY and Luo XY. An accurate identification method for network devices based on spatial attention mechanism. Secur Saf 2023; 2: 2023002. [Google Scholar]
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  6. Wu H and Zhang W. Digital identity, privacy security and their legal safeguards in the metaverse. Secur Saf 2023; 20220011. Secur Saf 2023; 2: 2023011. [Google Scholar]
  7. Dong Y, Wang C. Copyright protection on NFT digital works in the metaverse. Secur Saf 2023; 20220012. Secur Saf 2023; 2: 2023013. [Google Scholar]
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  9. Zou H. Constructing China’s independent knowledge system in the digital era. Secur Saf 2023; 2: 2023008. [Google Scholar]

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