Guidelines for video production

The video quality is for Security and Safety as important as the manuscript quality.

Please find here below the criteria to be fulfilled for the video production.

During the submission, the manuscript and video must be submitted at the same time, and will undergo first a quality control. Only when the video and the manuscript pass successfully this control, the peer-reviewing process will begin.

General requests on the video file

  • The accepted video file formats: MOV, MP4, MPG, AVI.
  • Please prefer to submit a single file rather than a group of files that need to be edited together.
  • Authors have the option of submitting up to 6 video files.
  • The submitted video file should include audio.
  • Each video must not exceed 10 minutes in total length.
  • A thumbnail figure (300 dpi) should be provided in the submitted manuscript for each video.

Video legend

  • A video legend is needed to describe the detail information of the production of the video and the major information in the video. The authors are suggested to have title cards at beginning and end of each video to include the authors’ names and their affiliations.


  • Videos should be prepared with a resolution not lower than 480p. We strongly recommend high definition (1440x1080 for 4:3 videos and 1920x1080 for 16:9 videos).
  • The picture must be clear enough for audience to understand content.
  • The video should be free of digital artifacts.


  • The audio portion of the video must be in English. Please speak clearly and at an average rate of speech. As a guide, the maximum average word count per 10 seconds should be 15 words.
  • We strongly recommend to submit the video with a voice-cover (uncompressed) that explains the video.
  • The audio should be clear and comprehensive.
  • This includes loud jarring artifacts as well as more subtle but consistent

Human and animal subjects

  • If human subjects are used in the video, a title card containing the approval from your institution’s human ethics board should appear before any human subjects are shown in the video.
  • If animals are used in the video, a title card containing approval from your institution’s animal review board should appear before any animals are shown in the video.
  • If authors themselves are present in the video, then also a release form (one form for all authors) will be required.
  • Any procedure involving animals that is shown on screen must be shot ethically (ex. restricted to surgical or dissection area)
  • Footage of the animal’s face should not be shown unless seeing the face
  • No visible animal discomfort should be shown.
  • No shots of euthanasia or anesthesia should be shown.

Frame size/proportions

  • Video must have a consistent aspect ratio of either 4:3 or 16:9. There should be no switching between the two ratios.
  • “Vertical video” (i.e. video shot in portrait mode on a cell phone) should be avoided.
  • Branding/Commercial
  • The video should be free of ™ or ® symbols.
  • Use of branded terms and manufacturers should be minimal.

Basic Video settings

Format (codec): H.264
Width and height: Match source
Frame rate: 29.97 (see Tips for more information)
Field order: Progressive
Bitrate settings
Encoding: VBR, 2 pass
Target bitrate: 10 Mbps
Maximum bitrate: 12 Mbps
Audio settings
Audio format: Uncompressed (if unavailable, AAC)
Sample rate: 48 kHz
Bitrate: 320 (minimum 16)
Channels: Stereo
Quality: High