Table 7.
Open source RFF datasets
Reference | Device/Protocol | Transmitter population | Receiver | Sample rate | Frequency | Real-world (R)/Generated (G) |
[129] | ZigBee | 60 | USRP N210 | 10 MS/s | 2.505 GHz | R |
130 | LoRa | 10 | USRP N210 | 250 kS/s | 868.1 MHz | R |
131 | Bluetooth | 10 | USRP X300 | 2 MS/s | 2.414 GHz | R |
132 | WiFi | 174 | USRP B210/N210/X310 | 25 MS/s | 2.462 GHz | R |
133 | ADS-B | > 140 | USRP B210 | 8 MS/s | 1.090 GHz | R |
134 | DJI M100 UAV | 7 | USRP X310 | 10 MS/s | 2.4 GHz | R |
34 | USRP N210/X310 | 20 | USRP N210 | 20 MS/s | 2.432 GHz | G |
51 | USRP X310 | 4 | USRP B210 | 5 and 7.68 MS/s | 2.685 GHz | G |
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