
Security and Safety in the “Metaverse” Special Issue – call for papers

We are pleased to inform you that Security and Safety is accepting submissions for its Special Issue on “Security and Safety in the “Metaverse””. The term “Metaverse” was first used in the science fiction novel “Snow Crash” in 1992 and describes “a virtual world parallel to the real world”. Thirty years later, and especially since 2021, the “Metaverse” is more popular than ever and considers various information technologies such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and communication networks.


Content highlight – new, highly-popular review article in Information Network section

We are pleased to highlight the publication of a review article “Concretely Efficient Secure Multi-Party Computation Protocols: Survey and More” by Dengguo Feng and Kang Yang. Dengguo Feng is an important academician at the Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences and his research interests focus on network security. He is one of ten Associate Editors-in-Chief of Security and Safety (S&S), a new open access journal at the cutting edge of cyber security and functional safety in the intelligent era.


Security and Safety – introducing a new journal at the cutting edge of cyber security and functional safety in the intelligent era

We are delighted to introduce Security and Safety (S&S), a new international, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open access journal. S&S focuses on Integrated Security and Safety and is supported by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It is led by Editor-in-Chief, Professor Jiangxing Wu, Director of China’s National Digital Switching System Engineering and Technological R&D Center.


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