Issue |
Security and Safety
Volume 2, 2023
Article Number | 2023003 | |
Number of page(s) | 15 | |
Section | Information Network | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 02 August 2023 |
Research Article
Wireless communications “N + 1 dimensionality” endogenous anti-jamming: theory and techniques
The Sixty-third Research Institute, National University of Defense Technology, Nanjing, 210007, China
* Corresponding authors (email:
The existing theory and techniques of wireless communication anti-jamming have reached their performance limit recently. With this focus, by leveraging the inherent characteristics of wireless communication and referring to the principle of cyberspace endogenous security, this paper investigates the core issues of endogenous security in the electromagnetic space, namely, endogenous anti-jamming (EAJ), which can defend against unknown electromagnetic attacks effectively. Specifically, the subspace method is first adopted to establish the unified framework for the conventional spread-spectrum, intelligent, and endogenous anti-jamming, in which both the intrinsic development law of each technique and the internal logic between them are revealed. Then, the fundamental concept, key techniques, and development suggestions of wireless communication “N + 1 dimensionality” endogenous anti-jamming are proposed to seek a disruptive breakthrough.
Key words: Wireless communication / Communication anti-jamming / Endogenous anti-jamming / Electromagnetic space security / Network space security / Command and control
Citation: Yao FQ, Zhu YG, Sun YF, and Guo WL. Wireless communications “N + 1 dimensionality” endogenous anti-jamming: theory and techniques. Security and Safety 2023; 2: 2023003.
© The Author(s) 2023. Published by EDP Sciences and China Science Publishing & Media Ltd.
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